Excitement for learning, together!


More than 5 million students

have shared their voices

Trusted by school and district partners worldwide

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CCSS and TEKS aligned interactive lessons you can personalize for your students with one click!

Sign up to find more K-12 lessons for literacy, science, social studies, math, and more


When did you last look forward to take your students on a learning journey with you?

I am teacher of 15 years who, until recently, has delved no more deeply into tech in the classroom, and here I am encouraging colleagues to come on in and see Curipod in action and leading CPD sessions. To top it off, I'm spending my evenings playing on my iPad to see how many new lessons I can create, and what new features have been added that week. The time saved, and the improvement in my lesson materials, is tangible.

Go further with the most innovative and engaging ELA/RLA state test prep solution in all 50 states

Available on the school and district plan

Standards aligned

Our test prep lessons are aligned with the standards, the questions and rubrics used in every state test

Endless Lessons

1000s of full lessons with reading passages and questions on topics your students care about.

Track Improvement

Generate classroom and individual reports with one click so you can follow up progress this test season.

Simple & flexible implementation

Curipod seamlessly integrates into your current curriculum.

FERPA & COPPA compliant

Student privacy is a top priority. Curipod is compliant with FERPA, COPPA and other state laws

Spark curiosity and discussion in your classroom with Curipod