Lesson from: Celebrity Poem Writing Challenge

Profile picture of brittanyrobbins


Updated 8 months ago




Lesson description

Your students are tasked by a celebrity to write them a poem. The expectations are high, and the celebrity wants a list of items to be included in the poem – both background information about themselves and their favorite type of poetry element. Students will write them a poem proposal – will they get it approved? Lesson Outline: 1) Introduce the challenge and the steps of the lesson. 2) Students infer who the famous person is. 3) The celebrity identity is revealed. 4) The celebrity presents their requirements for the poem. 5) The students write their poem and receive an approval or rejection from the celebrity along with feedback. 6) The lesson ends with a classroom reflection and an option to revise the poem based on their learning. To generate, select: - A celebrity or famous person you have learned about or someone you students are fascinated by. - A element of poetry - Grade level. 💡Pro-tip: Choose a celebrity you know your students find inspiring! Skills: Making inferences, creative writing, reading.

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