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Basic customer support
Premium content not included (e.g. Test Prep, ELA Immersive Package, Bilingual ESL/ELL (CCSS & TEKS aligned))
No student insights
* If you are a small school with less than 200 students, we want to make Curipod affordable for you, also. Please contact amanda.aitkens@curipod.com for a small school quote.
Compare all features
School & District
Unlimited storage of lessons and student participants
Lessons for all subjects including niche elective material
Test prep. Access to customize thousands of standards aligned state test prep lessons for all 50 states (3rd-12th grade) + ACT
Curipod Immersive standards aligned (CCSS & TEKS) reading and writing ELA package for middle school
Bilingual (ESL/ELL) Lessons
School & District
Customize Lessons using your own Rubric
Student Written Responses
up to 1,000 characters
up to 2,300 characters
Content Translations
Download Lessons as PDF (for absent students, offline access, etc.)
Student Insights (aligned to your Standard and Learning Objective)
Shared lesson folders across schools & district
Implementation & Support
School & District
Customer Support
Basic support
Priority support
SSO (Classlink, Clever, Google, etc)
Implementation Support (courses, etc)
Data Privacy & AI Safety
School & District
Compliant with:
All federal and state privacy laws, including FERPA, COPPA, SOPPA, GDPR Compliant
All federal and state privacy laws, including FERPA, COPPA, SOPPA, GDPR Compliant
Training of AI Models
No student or teacher data used
No student or teacher data used
Teacher can control and review all AI output before it's received by students
Real time moderation
Data privacy agreements
School & District
No haggling with sales people :)
Not applicable
* If you are a small school with less than 200 students, we want to make Curipod affordable for you, also. Please contact amanda.aitkens@curipod.com for a small school quote.
See what teachers & students are saying
From New Teachers- Saving Time:
“I am a new teacher and am having to build TWO curriculums for my school. Curipod has helped me save so much time in getting our daily activities together so THANK YOU!!!”
Teacher at Paragon Prep
The Students Experience:
“My experience with Curipod was pretty fun. It was a fun escape from boring work. When we could be doing boring SEL, Ms. Garcia would hop on Curipod. My face would light up. Curipod helped me improve my writing as well. I really love that Curipod has a drawing option. I can express my art and show off to my classmates. My favorite part is that it doesn't show your names.”
6th Grade Student from Garcia Middle School
The Student Engagement:
“I never have to beg my students to participate if it's in a Curipod. They hear the music start, and they are there.”
Christie Cloud, Coweta County Schools
The Students Experience:
“My experience using the Curipod platform is the best because you can create your opinions and AI gives you feedback about how you can make your writing better.”
6th Grade Student from Garcia Middle School
On Student Engagement:
“The most important thing is that the students loved it and it was a way to get every student involved in the lesson.”
Curipod First Time User
On Student Engagement:
“OMG this is amazing! So engaging I am in tears.”
Curipod First Time User
On the Teaching Experience:
“It was an amazing teaching experience. My students were engaged on slides that involved conversation. They were using language taught in that content area. They loved being able to respond to a variety of questions. They all voted to use this again.”
Teacher at Portsmouth Public Schools
On AI Generation - Saving Time:
“I liked that I didn't have to come up with a lesson, I just typed it in and AI developed a review for me for my Fossil Fuels unit. All the information was accurate to what I had taught during the unit! It was awesome.”
Curipod First Time User
On AI feedback:
“AI feedback is a game changer…. The experience was mind blowing”
Curipod First Time User