Updated 22 days ago
Practice informational ECRs on ANY topic students care about or what you're teaching in class. Students will... 1. Read a passage 2. Write an informational ECR 3. Get immediate, personalized feedback and a score (up to 5 points) from AI 4. Reflect and revise to improve ...with everything modeled after STAAR tests and aligned to STAAR writing rubrics. Pro tips: ✓ To print the passage, click Share > Download as PDF. ✓ To read on devices, students click Slides. ✓ To copy/paste their first response for revision, students navigate back to the first prompt slide. ✓Content not what you're looking for? Regenerate this Customizable Lesson as many times as desired. Some content in this Customizable Lesson is created by AI. Always review before presenting to students. Edits to the passage, prompt, or rubric will not be reflected in the AI feedback.