Spark curiosity, discussion and critical thinking in the classroom

For too long, education has been focusing on remembering, recalling and memorising.

the Curipod team


We are on a mission to help teachers spark curiosity, discussion and critical thinking in the classroom.

We want to help create learning experiences which excite the students, and where the neighbouring classrooms can hear the buzz from students discussing. Because we believe students will learn more, keep the joy for learning, and be better prepared for a world which is changing more rapidly than ever.

+ 4,800,000 students

have shared their voices

The team

Co-founder & CEO

Jens Aarre Seip

Co-founder & CEO

I believe curiosity is the most important prerequisite for learning. At 17, I dropped out of high school, and it was a bumpy road finding back my own curiosity. Fast forward to 2019, I was in Singapore studying for my master’s degree, and doing a project on education in collaboration with McKinsey & Company. Insights from this project, my own school background, and long passionate discussions with Eirik and Frikk about how we believe education should be, sparked the idea of Curipod.

I learn something new everyday, and it would never happen if it wasn’t for the inner motivation I found while studying. A couple of years later, having experience from building software and products, I’m still in pursuit of learning things in a quick and ever lasting way.

Co-founder & CTO

Frikk Fossan

Co-founder & CTO

Academic lead

Eirik Hernes Berre

Co-Founder & COO

Hey there, I'm Eirik, and education is my life's passion. I was born with a Hermione reflex, if someone asks question my hand shoots off into the air. I loved school, and I’m a big geek! I have worked as an educator in both Norway and Mozambique, and I love teaching. The best side of teaching is that you get to learn everything twice. As a co-founder of Curipod, I'm on a mission to make students curious and give teachers more time with their students and families. I believe that education is the key to unlocking a better future for all, and I'm committed to making that a reality. Let's change the world together! When I'm not changing the world you will usually find me reading Harry Potter, LARPing or other nerdy activities, or just running.


Ellen Barkost

Product Manager

I love new experiences, acquiring new skills and perspectives. However, as a young student, my discipline and drive to deliver results, hindered my curiosity to explore something out of interest. Eventually, after pursuing studies in Psychology, Design and Entrepreneurship, I re-discovered my curious spark solving real problems for people. With Curipod, I hope to help every student get in touch with their curious side, to make learning a meaningful and fun part of life. When I’m not talking to educators or pondering new solutions, you’ll find me in the ski tracks, or ticking off my growing list of Oslo experiences.

I have a pretty diverse background, having studied Zoology at university, I've researched animals around the world. I loved school and with a mix of dyslexia and ADHD I've always had to be creative with learning. The skills I gained were put to good use when I worked as a private tutor. So how did I become a software engineer? I was introduced to the joy of coding at a startup summer school in Japan and have never looked back. I love that I can combine all my experiences and join Curipod helping students learn to love learning.

Employee with a deer in Japan

Sophie Haugland Pedersen

Software Engineer


Lexi Lobdell

Operations Manager

I love learning, exploring, and trying new things in all aspects of life! This means I've moved to Oslo from sunny California, studied neuroscience and business, and have hobbies ranging from ice swimming to skydiving. My first jobs were teaching horseback riding and swimming lessons where I loved working with kids and seeing their interests grow. I'm most motivated by impact and learning, so at Curipod I love working to build a tool that allows every kid to explore their interests, voice their opinions in the classroom, and most importantly enjoy learning! When I'm not at the office, you'll likely find me outside on a trail or in some body of water.

Tech and entrepreneurship are my ultimate obsessions — I could geek out on them for hours! There's nothing quite like the exhilarating rush of taking an idea from zero to one and crafting something that resonates with people. When I'm not knee-deep in my geeky universe, you'll catch me jet-setting to explore new cultures, indulging in sitcom marathons, or hitting the field for some sports action. With a firm conviction that education is the cornerstone of our lives, I'm thrilled to dive in and make a meaningful splash in the worlds of both students and teachers alike!


Pranav Deshpande

Software Engineer


Nuno Mota

Software Engineer

I'm a retired academic and a serial entrepreneur. I started working in Tech over 15 years ago, always hopping from country to country (Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, UK, US, Norway, ...). I believe education is the key to a better future - and my background in AI and Machine Learning tells me there are lots of awesome opportunities here!

Our values

We build with Curiosity

Curious people drive the world forward, they question established truths, they learn fast, and they are incredibly fun to work with. We always approach challenges and meet new people with curiosity.

We build with empathy

We want every student to participate, and we don’t settle if 29 out 30 do. To build something which resonates with every student is really hard, and we believe that without empathy we will never get there. Also, we really like to be around nice people 😊

P.S We're hiring! See open positions

Strong backing

Reach Capital


Sondo Capital

Sagene Tech Ventures

What drives us

We believe the best learning happens when you learn because you are deeply motivated to learn and grow. Our way of helping you find this motivation is by helping you ask questions and discuss with others.

The most impact we can do is by building technology that connects learners and enable teachers to spend less time planning and more time helping learners be more curious together.


Educational technology made in Norway

We are a tight knit team based in Norway. Being a part of Scandinavia’s thriving edtech culture, we bring the latest development of edtech inspired by Scandianvian pedagogy.

Our learning principles