
Host a Curi-Lunch!

You host the PD, we provide the snacks!

Do you want to host a Curipod PD?

We want to support you! 

We will:

  • help you prepare the PD, or send you a pre-recorded PD to use.
  • provide you and your teachers with free Curipod School Plan trials.
  • provide you with a $30 gift card for snacks!

All you need to do to qualify is to finish one of our two newst courses: Immersive Reading and Writing Expert, or STAAR expert.

Togehter with the credentials for the course, you will recive an invitation to host a sponsored PD session at your school. The courses takes 30-60 min to finish.

You will get all the resources you need, an opportunity to meet with the Curipod founders and a gift card for snacks.

Do you want to learn more about Curipod?

You can learn more about Curipod by checking out the rest of our courses or reading up on our new Quick-Write series: Argumentative Writing.