Understand Curipod plans and pricing

Not sure which Curipod plan to choose for yourself and your team? This article will help you to make the right choice.

Note: Take a look at our existing plans to review prices.

Here at Curipod, we believe you should have the opportunity to explore our platform and its core functionality without any time restrictions. We think of our free plan as a sandbox and a way to get started and understand how Curipod can help you make presentasjons and lessons more valuable and engaging for you participants.

How do I know which plan to pick?

You can use the Curipod free plan for as long as you want, and with as many people as you need! We do not limit the number of team members because we believe in teamwork. All invited persons can play any lessons from both their private workspace, shared workspace and discover. Note that the number of custom presentations on the free plan is limited.

The premium plan is a perfect fit for you if you want a simple and unlimited access to all features in Curipod and access to you personally, or a small team working together to create and share awesome presentations and lessons.

The enterprise plan is a perfect fit for schools, districts with strict budgets and compliance needs. It allows companies, schools and municipalities to centrally manage Curipod access while offering the most flexibility and customization based on security and privacy compliance, user management, sharing/discovery settings, and more. We’ll help you find a custom fit based on your needs. Contact us to learn more.

Who do I pay for in Curipod?

In Curipod you pay for every team member in your account. Each paid member requires a paid seat (license) in your subscription and has full rights needed to create Curipod presentations, as well as to add and edit the content in them. You have full control as the administrator to invite and manage who has access to your account.

We recommend purchasing licenses for those people who you are planning to continue collaborating with on a regular basis, during a school year or personally. If you want to share your presentations with people outside your organisation you can do so, but they will then create a copy of your presentation and we will not charge you anything additional for that.